Find Product Sourcing Outside of China

Don’t Let These Tariffs Crush Your Business, It’s Time to Move Production Outside of China

If you’re importing from China into America, chances are you’re now paying a 25% higher tariff on the products you're producing.

We’ve run production for companies in India, Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines, Mexico, and Pakistan. China used to make sense for most businesses, now with rising tariffs and labor costs, it’s time your business explores production options elsewhere.

How much are you going to save transitioning your production outside China? Let our team run the numbers for you.

Complete Production Analysis

If you’re currently producing in China, we feel your pain. Hundreds of companies already using Sourcify have faced challenges paying these new tariffs.

For most, shifting production outside of China makes sense. What companies don’t realize is how much they can save from more affordable labor costs elsewhere.

Multiple Options Across Asia

Our diverse set of factory partners across South East Asia enable Sourcify to give you the best options when it comes to exploring manufacturing options outside of China. Don’t settle for increased tariffs.

Transitions Already in Action

With major brands like Nike already spotting global production trends, most larger retailers already produce outside of China. It’s time your business explores other options as well.

When you combine our production management software with our sourcing team in manufacturing becomes a strength in your business.

Pre-Vetted Factories: Don’t worry whether a manufacturer is a factory, trading company, or agent. The Sourcify team pre-vets every factory to ensure they are legit.

Fast Lead Times: Our partner factories are known to have some of the fastest lead times in the industry. Don’t let delays slow down your business or make you run out of inventory.

High Quality Guaranteed: Factories that we work with are known for producing some of the highest quality products in the world at competitive prices. Stop wasting time working with low quality factories.

Just starting to source products? Try our Factory Confirm Chrome Extension that enables you to analyze factories on Alibaba in real time.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Sourcify help my company transition production?

With our Sourcify network of partner factories, we start by analyzing your current manufacturing situation. We answer how much you could save by transitioning production outside of China. After this analysis is complete and if it makes sense to make the move, our team leads the transition to produce your products outside of China.

How much does this cost?

We have custom packages depending on the number of SKUs and production volume you are looking to analyze.

Where are your partner factories located?

We work with partners around the world including India, Vietnam, Thailand, Pakistan, Mexico, and more.

Finding the perfect manufacturer can take months, with Sourcify it takes on average less than a week to get your first set of bids from verified factories.