Apparel Manufacturing

Find apparel suppliers faster with Factory Confirm.

Become one of the world’s fastest growing apparel brands by sourcing your designs faster using our streamlined Chrome extension.

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We’ve helped find factories for some of the world’s fastest growing eCommerce brands.

Sourcing high quality apparel is one of our specialties as our Chrome extension has helped some of the fastest growing eCommerce brands create top-tier t-shirts, jeans, dresses, athletic wear, maternity apparel, and much more quickly with our overseas manufacturers.

Produce your clothing line without any hassle, faster than ever before.

The World’s #1 sourcing Chrome extension rates and reviews Alibaba suppliers instantly with a simple click of a button.

From small production runs to large retail orders, Factory Confirm excels at supporting entrepreneurs just starting out to find the perfect suppliers. We pride ourselves on helping retailers find top quality suppliers faster than ever before.

Avoid production fraud

Our Factory Confirm tool shows you exactly where factory excel and where they don’t. Never worry about a fraudulent factory again!

Finding the perfect clothing manufacturer can take months, with Factory Confirm it takes only minutes to find a handful of high quality suppliers.